Home » IEBC Confirms Jubilee Disowned Letter On Kibra Candidates

IEBC Confirms Jubilee Disowned Letter On Kibra Candidates

IEBC Confirms Jubilee Disowned Letter On Kibra Candidates
Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju

Yesterday, a letter bearing the names of Jubilee Party candidates for the Kibra Constituency seat was shared on social media.

The letter bore the names of 5 candidates among them footballer MacDonald Mariga Wanyama.

Jubilee later distanced itself from the letter and termed it as fake.

Deputy President William Ruto’s propagandist Dennis Ole Itumbi then had a hard time convincing the public that he is not the Lord of Fake News.

However, today, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), through a few tweets, has clarified that the letter Itumbi shared is the one it received from Jubilee Party.

The Kibra seat fell vacant after the death of Great Member of National Assembly Ken Okoth in July.

Here are the tweets