The death of the prolific author and journalist Ken Walibora came as a shock to many including his family members.
Eunice Wafula, Walibora’s step-mother, was heart-broken after learning about her son’s death.
Wafula, who is the only living parent of Walibora, stated that the family had lost an instrumental family member.
She added that Walibora had always been very supportive to his siblings after he assumed the fatherly role since the death of his father in 2006.
“My strength has gone after losing my only source of inspiration and a shoulder to lean on after the demise of my late husband,” she said amid tears
Other family members and neighbours eulogised him as a great pillar in the community, having made outstanding contributions in nurturing education.
Burial arrangements are underway for the legendary author.
Walibora died hours after he was admitted at the Kenyatta National Hospital after he was hit by a matatu on Landhies Road in Nairobi.
The driver of the speeding matatu that hit him left him unconscious on the road and sped off.
According to Central Police boss Mark Wanjala, Walibora is said to have been picked by an ambulance soon after the accident had occurred and rushed to the Kenyatta National Hospital.
The matatu is said to have later been traced to Buruburu and the driver is waiting for arraignment.