A Kenya Defence Forces(KDF) Major Joseph Mbithi Vala has been exposed.
Major Joseh Mbithi Vala who has been in charge of various departments at the Defence Headquarters is said to have used his position to enrich himself.
Kenyanbulletin.com has received pictures of one of his ill-gotten wealth.
“He wrongly acquired them while working at defense headquarters where he has served in various capacities as staff officer 2 in petroleum and ration (Pol &rats), Foreign military sales (FMS) among others”, the source said.
Proxy firms to steal
The source continued, “During his tenure in the defense Headquarters, he was assigned vote book, which is in charge of procurement of several items. It’s while managing the vote books that he created proxy companies under different people in disguise that he was able to award himself quotations and tenders”.
In just 3 years, Major Mbithi Vala acquired wealth quickly raising eyebrows for those who know him.
These properties include real estate as shown above worth over half a billion, some luxury cars and others and home in Kahawa Sukari and in his rural home in Mwala. These properties are not commensurate with his salary and as I know him well, he has no other investments.

Other sources of looting include by Majir Mbithi Vala include fake clearances of military items at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) that have been donated or brought from USA through his office (FMS). Some clearance is also done through fake justification of expenditures during bilateral military exercises; one of note is that one that took place between Kenya and Jordan in 2017, East Africa in Tanzania 2017 and also in Uganda in year 2018/2019. He was the administration officer during these exercises.
KDF can conduct a brief investigation and it will reveal that the properties are co-owned with other people and also that he took a loan to finish up, but a closer scrutiny will reveal otherwise.

Major Mbithi Vala has hid behind a fake caretaker.