June Koinange, the widow to the late MP Paul Koinange has announced her candidature bringing to three the number of candidates from the Koinange family interested in the seat.
June announced her bid to run for the seat a day after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) set July 15 as the date for the Kiambaa mini polls,
In a statement to the press seen by K24 digital, June claimed she was in mourning since the death of the father of her children as the main reason she didn’t declare her candidacy earlier.
“There have been many discussions in Kiambaa that have brought together voters as well as thought and opinion leaders. The people have agreed that they need a strong personality to complete projects started and initiated by the late Hon. Paul Koinange’’ part of June’s statement reads.
June vied for Kiambu Woman Rep seat in 2013 and 2017 unsuccessfully. her entry into the battle to replace the late legislator who died in March 21 from COVID-19 related complications is set to pit family members of the Koinange family against each other.
Lena Koinage who is the daughter of the late powerful minister Mbiyu Koinange and her niece Damaris Wambui already declared interest in the coveted Jubilee Party ticket.
The family had already taken sides by endorsing Lena as their preferred candidate in the by election in a move that complicates Damari’s and June’s bid.
Through its spokesperson, Leonard Karuga, the family revealed that 10 members of the family were interested in the seat but they had agreed to support Lenah who has also been endorsed by a section of the elders.
In a statement to the press seen by K24 digital, June claimed she was in mourning since the death of the father of her children as the main reason she didn’t declare her candidacy earlier.
She also pegged her candidature on her alleged strong understanding of the constituencies needs and CDF projects as a pedestal in clinching the seat.
“I have a solid understanding of Kiambaa development needs because I interact with the people on a regular basis. I am ready and willing to continue with Paul’s agenda at the National and Constituency levels,” June claimed.
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