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Lawyer Ahmednasir ‘supports’ BBI

Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi

Ahmednasir Abdullahi, the brush lawyer whose nickname is Grand Mulla has made it clear that he supports President Uhuru Kenyatta, but not his Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The Grand Mullah woke up to tweet at 6:42 am this morning that, “With nearly 500 mps in next parliament just imagine the multiplier effect in terms of job creation…researchers, personal assistants, security detail, mpango wa kando, secretaries, drivers, cooks…etc jobs everywhere…the bbi architects are pure genius!”.

Ahmednasir’s tweets of late have become subject of discussion in the circles of peace-loving Kenyans. Though the above tweet is filled with sarcasm, it doesn’t mean he supports BBI, his other tweets are often directed against the Luo tribe.

He tweets, hate-filled tweets like a cheap blogger on Sh527 pay trying to catch the eyes of the master.

Ahmednasir Abdullahi’s tweets can only excite the low-lifes and unlearned, for in between the lines, one can read a man who is busy stroking the ego of Deputy President William Ruto, for money, favors and protection, but at the same time stating publicly that he loves Jubilee and supports President Uhuru Kenyatta. Humpty Dumpty trying to clutch on all straws to survive.

A man, just like DP Ruto, divided on the support for BBI and also not to support it. They’ve made a new word, OPPOSUPPORT possible. It is laughable, as this new Kenyan opposition movement looks something like man, and pig, or in-between.

Though DP Ruto is a politician who wants to have his Presidency undiluted, like the one Kenyatta has had, Ahmednassir’s flip-flopping might be due to the fact that his record is tainted.

The man is tied to various questionable deals and has been mentioned in gossip circles as one who often bribed judges to get his way.

His pupillage certificate has long been rumoured to have been forged.

LSK President, Nelson Havi

In the world…a city of great lawyers, Ahmednasir doesn’t stand a chance, won’t get a seat. He is only ‘famous’ because he worked in a world so dirty that a pig can run for mayor and win. In such worlds, ‘great people’ are made by Public relation firms.

It is understandable how Ahmednasir behaves, he doesn’t know what will happen to him. He has managed to pocket Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Nelson Havi, who up to now has not questioned his pupilage certificate. But he doesn’t know how to deal with the new state of affairs. A new dawn where Luos are the leaders of Kenya.

Deputy President William Ruto

A perfect world of people committed to the Kenyan dream, to paraphrase the words of Economist David Ndii.

In such a world, the City is clean, no pigs get elected to mayorship and the PR that props up people like Ahmednasir falls down like scales from Saul’s eyes.