Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala is known as a fierce and ferocious politicians who is constantly in the thick of things. However, he has come out to show a side of him that few are familiar with as he shares with Kenyans tips on how to keep fit in an effort to encourage and motivate them.
Opening up in a heart to heart, Malala shared how he first came to terms with the fact that he needed to shape up after an 18 hour direct flight to the US.
The aftereffects of this trip weren’t just the simple jet lag feelings that one gets. Instead, he experienced severe and painful body aches.

He had to go to the hospital, and this is where it was broken down to him.
He was told that his excess weight was taking its toll on his spine. So bad was the situation that the medical experts even warned him against physical exercise. Apparently, the 93kgs above his weight would cause more strain on his spinal cord if he were to do it physically.
He was told that he had to undergo a special liquid diet. He said it sounded easy but he later realised it was quite hectic. He was required to dilute protein, mineral and vitamin supplements and drink them at every top of the hour, 12 hours a day. He did this for 90 days.
He says that after 90 days he had lost 20 Kgs.
He says that this was not only helpful for him health wise, but also in terms of his self-esteem.
A bubbly and radiant Malala says he is happy that at least now he looks his age.
However, Malala’s supplement was customized for him and doesn’t come cheap. it cost him 1.2 million.
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