Home » Men who impregnate school girls to be castrated if bill proposed by senators is passed

Men who impregnate school girls to be castrated if bill proposed by senators is passed

Senators Propose Castration and Jail Term for Men who Impregnate School Girls

Senators yesterday proposed that men who make schoolgirls pregnant be castrated and locked up.

The lawmakers urged DCI George Kinoti to investigate teenage pregnancies.

Led by Bungoma senator Moses Wetang’ula , they said the statistics on teenage pregnancies are shocking and a pointer to moral decay in the society.

The gusto and energy the DPP has shown in pursuing the corrupt should be used to pursue the morally corrupt. People should be in jail and their property seized to take care of the children they have sired,” Wetang’ula  said.

“They should be castrated. Anybody who sees a woman in a 10-year-old child does not deserve to be called to a man.”

George Khaniri said early pregnancy has lasting physical, socioeconomic and psychological effects.

“It is an interruption of life that can never be undone. Natural instinct will dictate that a mother puts her children first. This causes most of these girls to neglect their studies,” he said.

Nakuru senator Susan Kihika said, “Any man making a schoolgirl pregnant should be arrested immediately.They do not belong in our society.”