The race for Mwibona ward seat in Luanda sub-county, Vihiga county has hit the fever pitch as the incumbent MCA Zakayo Manyasa vows to record a political hattrick by retaining the seat for third term.The race for Mwibona ward has been reduced to two political heavy weights Manyasa and Hudson Owase aka Joe the shrewd Luanda businessman.In 2017 general elections Manyasa, who contested on former Vihiga governor Moses Akaranga’s PPK, defeated Joe with slim margin of votes, with now nominated MCA Dorcus Anupi coming third. Anupi who is popularly known to many as Iswi, is also determined to give the opponents a run for their money. Manyasa won the seat for the second term despite vying on the little known PPK party.

Zakayo Manyasa
Manyasa is said to be shopping for another political party for 2022 after PPK has folded out of active politics. “Everyone knows very well that 2017 elections for Mwibona ward were very competitive because I faced strong opponent from Joe of ODM. I survived because my people looked at my performance and reelected me,” said Manyasa. Manyasa is among the MCAs who rescued Governor Wilber Ottichilo from impeachment something that has made his ward benefit from development from the county government. Many roads have been done,water supply improved and bursaries given to needy students through his efforts.Joe vied for Mwibona ward MCA on ODM ticket and emerged second but he says he is planning to make thunderous political come back with victory at his heart.Joe who is well resourced and the proprietor of the famous Luanda’s Tripple T Hotel and Restaurant gives Manyasa sleepless nights as the clock ticks towards 2022 elections.

Hudson Owase
Joe has taken the ground by storm with his frequent funds-drives to support youth and women groups in Mwibona something that has won him support. Joe who comes from a humble family background, has formulated policy of offering good leadership for his Mwibona ward people if elected MCA.Speaking to the press at his home in Mwibona, Joe said he had lost interest in politics but due to demands from his people particularly the youths and women he will be back in the race come 2022.Joe promised that Mwibona ward residents will feel the fruits of devolution if elected because he is a good manager and he knows how to handle resources.Joe has completed his Degree in Computer Science and Business management. Dalton Amukoa popularly known to many as Namulie Abantu is also in the race. Amukoa is a Luanda businessman. Amukoa is eyeing the seat on Deputy President Manyasa Owase William Ruto’s UDA party.
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