Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen on Thursday evening took issue with the manner in which President Uhuru Kenyatta had defended former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta from from vulgar comments made by MPs Oscar Sudi and Johanna Ng’eno.
Kenyatta described the legislators as idiots and said they should go insult their mothers and leave his mother alone.
“If you happen to meet those idiots, tell them to go insult their mothers and leave mine alone.”
“I do not want to speak with anger because this country must remain united. I have no problem leaving once my term expires but for now I want to focus on development because that is all that will matter,” Kenyatta said in vernacular.
Murkomen faulted the head of state on the matter, saying the President was preaching an eye for an eye approach to conflict.
“I appeal for sobriety & tolerance in the country. If Everyone goes home to insult his/her mother, what kind of a nation shall we build? What will happen to our national values&principles. Let’s show love for our mothers not insults. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind,” the Senator said.
The Senator has in the recent past become a sharp critic of President Kenyatta, with whom they had worked closely until his removal as Senate Majority Leader in May this year.