Home » ‘Oh mimi ni tasa…’ Vanessa Mdee slams haters in angry video

‘Oh mimi ni tasa…’ Vanessa Mdee slams haters in angry video

‘Oh mimi ni tasa…’ Vanessa Mdee slams haters in angry video


A video going viral shows Vanessa Mdee ranting about social media users who have been on her neck over her relationship with ex lover Juma Jux.

In the video, Vanessa slams those that have been calling her names like prostitute and barren and saying she didn’t want to get married to Juma.

“Mimi ni mtu ambaye najiheshimu, naheshimu kazi yangu naheshimu sanaa, naheshimu my brand ambayo nimejenga kwa mda mrefu sana.”

“Wale ambao wanaanza kunitusi mimi kusema oh mimi ni malaya, oh mimi ni tasa, oh mimi nilikua nakataa kuolewa, oh mimi nilikua namdharau Juma.”


“Msinisemee, msisemee moyo wangu, usiusemee moyo wake, usisemee maisha yangu.”

Vanessa broke up with Jux about two years ago and the two have been living separate lives. Mdee is currently at a good place with her Hollywood fiancé, Rotimi who is an actor cum singer.

The two got engaged last year and are planning for a wedding. They are currently vacaying at a castle with Rotimi’s family and friends.

Vanessa moved to Los Angeles just before the pandemic and has been living there together with her fiance.


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