Home » Photos! Meet no-nonsense South Africa politician Julius Malema’s super-hot wife

Photos! Meet no-nonsense South Africa politician Julius Malema’s super-hot wife

Any married man will tell you that the best way to experience “radical economic transformation” is to get married and see what happens to your finances. However, it seems like these two are beyond besotted with each other.

Mantwa Matlala Malema is certainly a woman of mystery, yet Julius is never shy when it comes to showing her off.

Kenyanbulletin.com has managed to source pictures of Mantwa Malema,


Julius Malema

Julius Sello Malema is a South African politician who serves as Member of Parliament and the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party, which he founded in July 2013.

He previously served as President of the African National Congress Youth League from 2008 to 2012.