Drama ensued in Narok on Saturday after a secondary school teacher was busted in a lodging with a female student from a school that he works as a teacher.
Nathan Kosgei, a teacher at Simotwet Secondary School, and the Form Three student were arrested at a lodging in Transmara East at around 2pm.
Area Assistant Chief Richard Bett confirmed the incident saying the two were busted by members of the public who reported the matter after the 17-year-old student was spotted at the room that had been rented by the teacher.
“Members of the public called me after the girl was seen at a lodging locked in the room with the teacher,” said Bett.
Police forced their way into the room arresting the duo.
They were taken to the Transmara West sub-county hospital for medical assessment and later Emmurua Dikirr Police Station where they are being held.