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Revealed: Names of 4 SSU killer cops that slaughtered Indian volunteers on President Ruto’s Digital team

Revealed: Names of 4 SSU killer cops that slaughtered Indian volunteers on President Ruto’s Digital team
The exclusive image of Zulfizaq Khan and Zaid Kidwai, 2 Indian volunteers that were abducted and killed by DCI's killer squad
Indians cops
The exclusive image of Zulfizaq Khan and Zaid Kidwai, 2 Indian volunteers that were abducted and killed by DCI’s killer squad

We can now reveal the names of the dreaded cops that have been alleged to be the ones that killed two Indians that were working for the Digital campaign team for William Ruto.

Zulfizaq Khan and Zaid Kidwai were kidnapped at Ole Sereni by cops and stories of their disappearence has been evolving till the latest news.

Yesterday, more than a hundred cops returned with bornes, clothes and belts belonging to the Indian IT experts that were kidnapped then later eliminated.

This site has been informed that;




Here is what Dennis Itumbi posted yesterday admitting that Zaid Kidwai was indeed working for President William Ruto.

Asante sana President Ruto for DISBANDING the DCI Elite unit.

This was one unit that was literally used to Kidnap, assault, maim and Kill innocent people.

They targeted those who supported the election of Ruto as President.

Zaid, was such one person. A good soul, a happy guy who was here to tour Kenya.

When I first met him he gave me his card and said he had been attracted by our campaign online strategy and offered to support us for free with his skills.

I shared my number and told him not to do anything directly and instead share any ideas that he had with Brian.

Brian is a guy who was handling the moving parts of our online strategy.

From then on, I got so much material from Brian, at one time together with Ahmad, they had over 1,000 pieces of creative content – much more than we could use.

They invited me to India, I told them I would visit after elections.

They visited Mombasa, Homabay, Mara, Nyama Choma joints and damn they loved our dance joints too.

Their eyes were primarily on enjoying Kenya as much as they could. When they sat down, they produced very appealing content.

We became friends. Sometimes when our team was overwhelmed and we needed a graphic, I sent their way and they paused whatever they were doing and did me the favour.

As usual they always did something extra. A meme here, a video there, a box quote and much more.

” Is there anything else we can help with?” Zaid would always ask.

We even had a Telegram group, that rarely went silent, with endless ideas.

Zaid and Ahmad were just good people who became my friends and in the process connected with some in our team.

Two days, before they returned home, I learnt that they had lost their phones during a night out.

I wanted to laugh at them, so I went to a place where we used to meet and even there, they had not been seen.

They could not be reached.

Just the other day, I finally got to know their painful last moments in the hands of people whose only mission was to ensure Ruto does NOT become President even if it means killing people.

In this case, they killed people whose only mistake was to be our friends.

The evidence is disturbing and overwhelming.

Part two loading……

Part Two…

Zaid and Ahmed decided to have a dance that night.

It was a great night. There was actually a communication crisis in the campaign that day.

Somehow, they sorted their assignment without betraying the fact that they were having some fun.

As they left, later that night. They called a cab.

Evidence shows them getting into the cab,minutes later, a vehicle, the ones used by the ROGUE DCI Unit blocked the cab.

Zaid and Ahmed are dragged into the car. Their cab driver too.

One of the men then takes control of the cab.

The trio is then held in a killer waiting bay – a container used to slaughter Kenyans in a Police station for the last few years.

After three days, the trio are put in a vehicle towards Aberdares…..

Investigators are followings clues from there……

More to follow