Home » Safaricom Launches Second Cohort for Women in Technology Bootcamp

Safaricom Launches Second Cohort for Women in Technology Bootcamp

Safaricom’s Women in Technology together with Huawei’s Women in Technology this week celebrated the launch of their second Bootcamp cohort.

Safaricom and Huawei Women in Technology launch their second Bootcamp cohort offering a transformative three-month AI and ML program for aspiring women tech leaders.
Safaricom and Huawei Women in Technology launch their second Bootcamp cohort offering a transformative three-month AI and ML program for aspiring women tech leaders.

This strategic move that heralds a new era of technological empowerment officially took place on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

The initiative is a shining example of the commitment to fostering female talent in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) offering an immersive three-month boot camp and certification program.

The program which seamlessly blends technical prowess with practical application is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to excel in the rapidly evolving tech landscape and open doors for women to play pivotal roles in shaping the future of technology.

As the world leans more into the digital age, Safaricom and Huawei have once again shown they are at the forefront of creating opportunities that encourage diversity and inclusion within the tech community.

This Bootcamp is more than just a learning platform but a career-defining journey that promises to unlock potential and inspire a new generation of women tech leaders.

Participants can look forward to many benefits.

Certification: All students who successfully complete the program, meeting all requirements such as class attendance and assignments, will receive certification.

Future Opportunities: Top-performing students will be considered for future opportunities, potentially opening doors to advance their careers in AI and ML