Importers and exporters of all alcoholic drinks in Kenya will now have to get a licence from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug...
Tag - KRA
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) staff at the Customs department are an unhappy lot. Their boss Susan Wanjohi is a demon. The lady who hails from Kiambu and...
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has initiated investigations against the Deputy President William Ruto’s Ally and oil tycoon Daniel Wamahiu over unpaid...
Consumers of digital products will soon be forced to pay higher for goods and services bought through the Internet after the Government mooted rules to...
Magnate Ventures, the advertising company that is owned by Stanley Kinyanjui has been exposed over sh3 billion tax evasion. A letter shared online states that...
The Kenya Revenue Authority has entered a critical stage in its operations following the death of one senior manager from Domestic Taxes department Mr. Antony...
Kenyan Bulletin has received information from a cridible source that Ten Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) staff have been ordered into quarantine. Sources say the...
Ever wondered why the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) never hits its tax collection targets every year? For instance, last year KRA missed its half-year tax...
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has won ‘big’ after a court ruling gave it the green light to collect Sh2 billion from seven shipping lines. The...
The State will reduce its spending in the financial year starting in July to 23.6 % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 26.0 % in the current fiscal year. The...