Home » The death of Mentor Sacco Deputy CEO James Njuguna comes back to haunt management

The death of Mentor Sacco Deputy CEO James Njuguna comes back to haunt management

The date is 22nd September, 2019, a strange turn of events leads to the death of one of the most promising bankers from Murang’a County.

Mentor Sacco Deputy CEO James Njuguna Murigi was rushed to hospital, but succumbed to his injuries, after being involved in an alleged motorcycle accident that had occured at Murang’a’s “Choma Zone”.

Events leading to the supposed accident are curious, this is according to family members and those who knew him.

Just before his demise, the 30-year-old actuarial scientist had been urgently called to attend a meeting off-work hours by Mentor CEO Joyce Ndegwa.

He would be dead by the next day.

In what was initially reported as a motorcycle accident was later proven to have been death by multiple blunt force trauma that left him with a fractured skull, injuries to the right arm and shoulder, stomach and right leg.

The company insists that he didn’t reach the meeting venue, but some CCTV footage places him at the scene where there was an altercation between guards and some guys who wanted to take pictures of Mentor Sacco Building.

“My son had disclosed to us that there were work-related issues due to the construction of an 11-storey building.

He kept telling us that some people were piling pressure on him over a deal in relation to the building.

The CEO called him twice to go and solve a problem related to what he has been complaining of,” Mr Njuguna’s mother Mary Watiri recounted at the time.

Strange death.

This who rushed him to hospital later reported that he was drunk, yet those who know him know that he never partakes in alcohol drinking.

It appears that after visiting the Mentor Sacco Offices, Njuguna was followed and murdered. This is according to analysis from the narration about his death.

First, an unidentified individual reported that the motorbike that he had boarded had hit a pothole at high speed, where Njuguna was thrown off, hit the tarmack and succumbed to injuries.

Secondly, the motorcycle driver is said to have fled the scene of the accident. How? When the description of the accident seemed gory.

Thirdly, in any accident, people would mill around the area. How comes this accident had only one shady witness?

Finally, why is the nature of injuries discovered during a postmoterm not consistent with a motorcycle accident.

Doctors at Murang’a Hospital confirmed that Njuguna arrived severely injured.

He was rushed to Nairobi Hospital but he died before noon that Monday.

The family claims the motorbike incident could be a well-choreographed move to mask the real killers.

Mentor CEO Joyce Ndegwa refutes claims that Njuguna was killed but fails to account for the off-work calls that he received to report to a meeting that fateful day.

The life is an industrious and visionary leader was cut short abruptly. The man rose quickly through the ranks to b come deputy CEO.

What did he see?

Why was he killed?

Was there fraud at the company that the management wanted silenced from getting exposed?

The DCI has let the case go cold.

Were the police bribed?