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The Hidden Hands In Maasai Mara University Tribal War

The Hidden Hands In Maasai Mara University Tribal War
Maasai Mara Vice Chancellor Prof Mary Walingo

In a scene reminiscent to the Moi University leadership wrangles that degenerated into ugly tribal shenanigans, a vocal senator from Rift Valley is looking to replace the Vice Chancellor of Maasai Mara university and is behind the woes of one of the fast-rising university in Kenya.

Maasai Mara University (MMU), located in Narok is a centre of learning that grew from a mere teaching college to become one of the most sought after universities in just a few years thanks to the able leadership of Vice Chancellor Prof. Mary Walingo.

Good networks for business

Mary Walingo, with insufficient funds has steered the institution to greater heights through sourcing for funds from friends and donors who have helped finance the growth of the University.

In a few years, the university undertook infrastructure improvements projects such building of modern and conducive hostels for both boys and girls, raising up a perimeter walls increasing teaching staff, and a gate that has enhanced security at the institution etc.


Negative ethnicity is a major issue in the management of Kenyan Universities. Moi University for example was the one that came to the limelight and all Kenyans saw how ugly it was.

Learned people who are supposed to help the government steer the country through right policies were sacrificing the coveted titles of Doctors and Professors for the seat.

For these lot, it is better to sacrifice quality at the altar of tribalism.

‘it is our time to eat’ the rabid rallying cry of empty heads.

Their scheme

When they want one to go, they will use all means to remove one.

These lot will dig imagined dirt on someone and feed it to the mainstream media to spread the propaganda.

One is not even given a chance to talk, they are aired without due respect to editorial professionalism.

What is the state of security at the university?

We have not had any insecurity incident lately. To further this drift, we have built a perimeter wall around the entire university and our modern gate is now complete. This will ensure that intruders will not enter our university anyhow. – Prof. Mary Walingo, Jul 2019
