Home » Drama as drunk census enumerator urinates in family’s living room

Drama as drunk census enumerator urinates in family’s living room

A family in Mukuyu, Murang’a county was left with frustrations after a drunk census enumerator urinated in the family’s living room in full glare of the family members.

The intoxicated enumerator showed up at the family’s residence in Makuyu market on Thursday night.

Ironically, the enumerator had shown up at the residence without his official gadgets yet he insisted on performing his duties.

The owner of the house who happens to be a Nyumba Kumi official was forced to alert security officers who immediately arrested the drunk enumerator.

Upon interrogation by detectives, the enumerator directed the officers to his girlfriend’s house where his census gadgets were found.

The enumerator is still in police custody as he awaits arraignment in court on Friday.