A Twitter user Muthamakey (@Muthamakey) has accused Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC) Plc of non-payment for services done.
Muthamakey, who is a creative artist and photographer had been contracted by KPLC about 2 years ago to develop advertising photographs for the firm.
Despite doing it so efficiently, the electricity distribution firm has not paid him more than two years down the line.
Muthamakey, under the Picha tunatumia, hatulipi supplier banner wrote:
Previously on Unpaid Creative. Loading season II (Hot to Burn Bridges). The Money owed by these People is so Small to them No wonder I’m this Casual. Follow this thread, I’ll show you Poetic Justice. Pay attention. I’d Rather Commit Career Suicide than Self Destruct Over some Money. But my bills Been late for a minute because some people want to Prove a Point. I will Gladly Barbercue My ‘Career’ along with these so called Bridges. I Earned this Money In Between Chemotherapy Trips for my Father. At some Point I Couldn’t even afford to Feed Him. The Money these People owe me Is Money they Piss on when their Directors get together. 2 of these Companies are listed by the NSE. I’m a Sole Proprietorship, Basically, I’m a Kiosk. You Have seen My Work, I work like a slave. I told these People I will bring this to the People’s Court, the first time I didn’t Speak much. But like you and I know, the Old World is Ending. Mind You, these layouts were Prepared and Shared with all people involved More than 6 Months Before I put them on Behance. My Accountant Paul Sibuor is In Copy on all these Emails. Enter Day 2. Our Official efforts to recover the money using regular dignified means hit a wall for more than a year, we will share these one sided Emails later today.
You all saw how much Copywriters get paid pale Scanad? You think these people can’t afford to pay me off for the Images that accompany Those jingles Collo was talking about?@protelstudios is Still Running, KPLC and Scanad are still Running. My Business gets evicted today. All these three Businesses have Policies that supposedly support the youth, they even do charity and CSR but they Operate on a Pseudo Morality, they are Inhumane at their Core.
Here’s my Dilemma. After these layouts went Public in March Deals were offered to me to be Given More/Other work to Forfeit the money I Have already earned. Note, Not when I shared the Layouts discreetly with them, NO, the deals were offered after the images went Public.
When the images hit Behance I received Calls from the Production House, the Agency to KPLC themselves, Everybody wanted to talk, YET, None of those people knew how much I was Billing. To Date even the Creative Director,@rishiaggarwal_who approved the layouts doesn’t know.