Home » Woman Arrested For Drunk Driving Shows Up Tipsy In Court

Woman Arrested For Drunk Driving Shows Up Tipsy In Court

There was a light moment in court on Thursday when a city woman arrested for suspected drunk driving showed up for proceedings when tipsy.

The woman had been arraigned before Magistrate Martha Nanzushi to answer to the charge of driving under the influence of alcohol, but when her name was called out, she was snoring away in court.

This forced the magistrate to ask her aides why a person was sleeping in court.

“Is that someone snoring in my court?” the magistrate asked.

A police officer near her confirmed to the court that indeed it was the accused, Sharon Oparanya, who was snoring inside the courtroom.

Woman Arrested For Drunk Driving Shows Up Tipsy In Court

According to the charge sheet, she was arrested on Thursday morning at 7.35 am along Ngong road.

She was driving a Mercedes Benz.

Magistrate Nanzushi concluded that the lady was too inebriated to face charges and directed that she be detained until she sobers up.