Home » Economist Ndii And Moral Cop Ezekiel Mutua Defend The sick Passaris

Economist Ndii And Moral Cop Ezekiel Mutua Defend The sick Passaris

Nairobi woman representative Esther Passaris has been on the frying pan after Kenyans on Twitter launched Tweef  after revealing that she underwent successful Spinal surgery in India.

Things went south quickly when she revealed she had spent Sh50 million to be elected. This she did while responding to a Twitter user who had criticised her for seeking treatment abroad as the health system in the country continues to deteriorate.

Economist David Ndii and KFCB boss Ezekiel Mutua have come at Passaris rescue from Kenyans on Twitter.

The Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) boss Dr Mutua suggested there are better ways to demand for better health care.

On his part, political strategist and economist David Ndii posted this.