Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has withdrawn his attendance on Ethiopia peace talks in South Africa citing ‘conflicts in his schedule’.
However, the reasons might be more than that.
As a former head of state, Uhuru Kenyatta is privy to intelligence reports.
A few days ago, Ethiopian Premier Abiy Ahmed’s spiritual guide deacon Daniel Kibret warned that the Tigrayan peace envoys that will attend the talks in South Africa might not come back alive.
“Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed’s spiritual advisor Deacon Daniel Kibret, a clergyman, warns that Tigrayan negotiators will not return safe from South Africa in a tweet”, Rashid Abdi interpreting Kibret tweet written in Amharic.
The Ethiopia conflict is at its worst, even worse than the Russia – Ukraine one, in terms of civilian casualties.
There’s no end in sight to the conflict as goalposts and demands shift.

Uhuru however communicated that he will be available in future.
The former president and his successor William Ruto have not seen eye to eye for over 3 years.
Ruto’s recent visit to Ethiopia without making peace with the Kenyatta family as advised by David Murathe has also not helped matters.
Abiy Ahmed is also Uhuru Kenyatta’s friend and it is believed that he shared intelligence with the former head of state.
Uhuru’s presidency has been hailed as one that has put Kenya on the international map due to his acceptance.
Ruto’s appointment of Uhuru to be a peace envoy in Ethiopia and the great lakes region was a cunning way of keeping him busy to avoid creating a strong opposition for William Ruto.
Will Uhuru really rise to the occasion to take up Ruto’s job?