A policeman who helped a 55-year-old Covid-19 patient travel from Nairobi to Longisa Hospital in Bomet County has been identified and placed into...
Author - Bulletin Reporter
Safaricom has introduced a feature that alerts when someone tries to register a new SIM card with your ID number, in a bid to curb fraud. In the new...
Even as the world adapts to a new normal of wearing face masks, Centres for Disease Control globally maintain that children aged below two years...
Representatives from the family of both Keroche heiress and those of her boyfriend, Omar Lali, have failed to agree on the final report of the post...
The state is looking for economist David Ndii, one of Kenya’s leading political economy thinkers, a popular columnist and a longtime critic of the...
Amani National Congress Chairman, Kelvin Lunani was reported at Nyali Police Station by a tenant who accused him of flaunting his gun and...
The Environment and Land Court has stripped the Parliament powers to probe rule on land disputes. Sitting in Mombasa yesterday, Justice Munyao Sila...
Only the coronavirus pandemic has managed to disrupt the all time Kenyan political mood but even in isolation, Kenya’s dirty politics is restless and...
As the internal wrangles in Jubilee continue to play out in public, new information has emerged over what transpired hours to the Jubilee Senate...
The novel coronavirus is likely to stick with us for a while, much like HIV has, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said as it warned people...