Kenyan Politicians are the worst as far as any attempted to mob out corruption is concerned. Take for instance, Raila Odinga is always chest thumbing...
Author - Dokta Wanz
Today, China Supreme People’s Court is expected to give an approval for the mass killing of 20,000 coronavirus patients as sure means of controlling...
Jack Dosey’s Twitter company just announced a new policy on synthetic and manipulated media — a category that encompasses sophisticated...
Google, that has in the past rolled out Chrome OS, Android, and most recently Fuchsia appears to be working on yet another operating system...
In a plan expected to run between the months of February to April 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) says it needs Sh67.7 billion ($675 million)...
Not guilty. Not guilty. In the United States Senate, like in many spheres of life, fear does the business. Think back to the fall of 2002, just a few...
The photo-sharing app Facebook Inc. acquired for $715 million in 2012 Instagram generated more than a quarter of the tech giant company’s revenue...
In Kenya, we have experienced 4G services that were launched by Safaricom back in December 2014. In a tweet posted on 13th January, this year, seems...
The court has awarded the 80 years old David Gicheru Sh 2 million for unlawful termination from Uhuru Kenyatta-inherited Brookside and use of his...
Former Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi, who rose to power promising to end tribalism and corruption and to make his country a Cold War bulwark...