Interrogation into the looting of Sh18.2 billion from Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) was interrupted after the embattled CEO Wilson Muthaura urinated on his trousers during the exercise.
Muthaura who led a team of crooked managers that dubiously borrowed the billions to pay an early bonus to farmers ahead of the August 9, 2022 general elections was in the company of KTDA board chair David Ichoho when the ugly incident ensued.
The two were part of the officials summoned for questioning by the inquiry committee which sat at Kilimo House on January 10th, 2023.
They executed the looting under the directive of former Agriculture CS Peter Munya which instructed them to act against the best interest of farmers by taking the multi billion loan to oil the campaigns of Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga.
Muthaura and Ichoho will soon face prosecution after records revealed how the agency mortgaged its Sh18.2 billion shares to pay an early bonus to farmers before last year’s general elections.
KTDA closes its books on June 30 with the bonus payment to farmers being approved in September before disbursement in October but the 2021/2022 bonus was illegally paid at the start of July.
Records also show that the loan was guaranteed by the KTDA Management which is a subsidiary of KTDA holdings.
The duo will be charged alongside Dorcas Mugure Mwangi, Julius Misuko Onguso, Simeon Rugut and Mathews Odero.
The disclosure on the debenture was recorded on September 2, 2022 by the registrar of companies after the agency had paid the bonus.
The illegal loan has now subjected farmers to more costs are they are forced to pay interest through their respective factories. Chinga Tea Factory in Nyeri will pay Sh3 million interest after they received Sh200 million to pay their farmers.
KTDA management on Friday issued a statement in attempts to distance themselves from the theft but their shallow communiqué did not address the key issues.
Muthaura and Ichoho could not defend their politically motivated move to borrow illegal tea bonus loans and the perpetrators behind the heist.
The duo also avoided the subject of mistreatment and sexual harassment of the KTDA female staffers but instead threatened to sue top bloggers and media outlets that exposed their heinous crimes.