High Court Judge Martin Muya was on Tuesday morning found in Kileleshwa just hours after his wife Aurellia Mbulwa reported him missing. Aurellia had told...
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The former ODM Party deputy communications director Seth Odongo alia Dikembe Disembe narrated on Twitter the predicament of one Norman Magaya, the National...
When Government announced a subsidized gas project in October 2016, it brought a ray of hope for Kenyans who often relied on firewood and kerosene, two...
Hell’s gate survivor Mr Ivraj Singh Hayer was still in a state of shock as he explained his miraculous escape from jaws of death. His wife, five other...
A Kenyan court has sentenced a Kalenjin man that was alleged to have raped his 80 years old mother in her Uasin Gishu home 2 years aga a 35 years imprisonment...