Home » Chinese national behind illegal gambling machines in Ongata Rongai

Chinese national behind illegal gambling machines in Ongata Rongai

A chinese national is ripping the future of young people in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County.

The man whose identity Kenyan bulletin is yet to establish is said to have colluded with the police to continue operating an illegal business. The gambling machines have been banned by the government since 2017.

“Ongata Rongai police station is protecting a gambling machine business which is owned by a Chinese national! There are over 100 gambling machines in the town and the OCS and his officers are the ones protecting the business which was long banned”, said a source who did not wish to be named.

In 2018, Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i ordered the Kenya Revenue Authority and Kenya Ports Authority not to allow gambling machines into the country.

He said the machines have destroyed the lives of children and families as parents get ‘robbed’ by the children who need money for gambling.

“This business is destroying the lives of our children. Some of them are not going to school. Let us stop pretending. We must stand up and call sin by its name for the sake of our children.”

The crackdown that ensued thereafter for gambling machines that were already in the country netted some that were destroyed by the police.

“If you try to talk about the machines you can even be arrested! Every Thursday is their payday from the office of the Chinese man which is located along waiyaki way around Mountain view area”, said the Ongata Rongai source.