Home » Full Story: This is how police planned, kidnapped and murdered city Lawyer Willy Kimani

Full Story: This is how police planned, kidnapped and murdered city Lawyer Willy Kimani

Via Pulselive.co.ke

City Lawyer Willy Kimani

A police informant has given chilling details on the murder of lawyer Willy Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri.

Detailing how the three were killed, Peter Ngugi told the court that four police officers planned and executed Willy Kimani, his client and the taxi driver.

A police officer, Fredrick Leliman is said to have suffocated them with a polythene bag and strangled them with a rope, before dumping their bodies in a river.

The police informant told the court that Leliman informed him that there was a case that bothering him where he had previously shot and injured a person

According to the informant, Leliman told him that the injured man was really pushing for his dismissal and was being assisted by the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) in the case.

Ngugi said he was tasked with following the complainant after the court attendance and keep informing Leliman about the man’s movement.

The statement by the police informant read:

“Sergeant Leonard Maina Mwangi stopped the wanted man’s car and they stopped immediately. Mwangi told them that we are officers and that the three are under arrest. They were told to get out of the car and enter Sergeant Leliman’s car. They did not argue. They complied with the orders.

I took possession of the car and drove it off. Sergeant Leliman then overtook me and went straight to the AP post. As agreed earlier, my assignment was to dispose off their vehicle. The original plan was to drive to Meru and leave the car there.

However, I was told on the phone he had interviewed the driver who told him that his taxi was operating around Zimmerman, therefore, driving to that route would be risky and the car did not have enough fuel and that would be risky too.

So I decided to drive to Limuru because I knew the route. At around 3pm, I abandoned the vehicle at Kwambira. Another thing that was disturbing my mind was that the three had left their phones in the car.

I switched off four of the five phones, but I was unable to switch off one of them. After parking the car at Kwambira, I threw away the phones. While still there, I called Leliman and told him I was on my way to Syokimau.

He told me that they were still at Mlolongo and that I should find them there. I arrived in Mlolongo at 5pm and found sergeant Mwangi and Leliman and other officers at Connection bar. They told me that the victims are safe at Syokimau AP Post.

Leliman was called and told that one of the victim’s had managed to call the wife telling her that he had been locked in at Syokimau and has no idea where the car was. They were all shocked to hear that.

We went to the AP post where Mwangi handcuffed them from behind. They were all put in the boot of a car before we drove along Nairobi–Mombasa Road to a bush.

After a few minutes, Kamenjo (a police officer) joined us while still in the bush. We started to disagree on how to kill the victims. Myself and Mwangi were of the view that we had been exposed and the best thing was to release the three. However, Leliman and Kamenjo insisted that the three must be killed.

We discussed for more than three hours at around 9pm, a police officer came and told us that members of the public were wondering why and what we were doing there. Kamenjo told them that we are police officers and we are on duty.

The first victim who was the main target was killed using a polythene bag and a rope. His body was stashed in a sack and put in a boot.

At around 11pm, the second victim was taken to a different corner and killed in the same style. After he died he was put in two sacks because he was tall and couldn’t fit in one sack. His body was then taken to the boot.

The third one was strangled to death using a rope and polythene bag.

While at the execution scene, my role was to hand the victims over to sergeant Mwangi who would take them to Leliman who would then kill them.

After all the three victims were killed we took off using the Nairobi–Mombasa Road and Kamenjo who claimed to have worked at Ol Donyo Sabuk was to lead us to where we would dispose of the body.

When we reached the scene, we threw the bodies into the river.

We drove back using the same route and at 4am we reached Mlolongo and ate our supper. I was left in the bar where I slept on the seat since I had taken a lot of alcohol.”