Home » Havi makes a ‘soft storming’ of the parliament

Havi makes a ‘soft storming’ of the parliament

Law Society of Kenya President Nelson Havi on Monday led soft protests demanding that Members of parliament and senators vacate Parliament Buildings over Chief Justice David Maraga’s dissolution advisory.

Maraga advised President Uhuru Kenyatta to dissolve parliament for failing to implement 2/3 gender rule on September 21. The president has not acted on the advisory despite threats by the Law Society of Kenya that any sittings after 21 days from the day the advisory was issued shall be deemed illegal.

Havi was in the company of United Green Movement’s Jonathan Mueke when he visited the speaker’s boardroom to serve vacate notices.

The ‘Occupy Parliament’ movement is a campaign by the LSK to push the president to dissolve Parliament as advised by CJ Maraga on September 21.

Havi argues that the lawmakers ceased to exercise their legislative powers on behalf of Kenyans.

Last wednesday the LSK President vowed to lead Kenyans to storm and occupy Parliament for failing to implement the two-thirds gender rule.

The ‘occupy’ parliament move was expected to be fiery after Havi was accused by Kieleweke politicians of siding with Tangatanga but it died on arrival.

Not even women leaders, activists or lawyers accompanied Havi to the parliament building after advisory was met by mixed reaction from politician who fear facing the electorate.

Even when he spoke last week, Havi was only accompanied by UGM members led former Nairpbi Deputy Governor Jonathan Mueke and Former Ndhiwa Mp Augostino Neto.

In a joint presser at the LSK headquarters, the three gave the President until Monday, October 12,[today] to dissolve Parliament.

“Parliament must be dissolved or occupied effective October 12, 2020. We make this call not just because the CJ has asked for the dissolution of Parliament, but for many other reasons. As we speak, the Cabinet is unlawfully constituted.” Havi said on Wednesday.

The 2/3 gender rule stipulates that no more than two thirds of any public elected or appointed body shall be of the same gender.