Home » IEBC Verifying Signatures To Dissolve Taita Taveta County Government

IEBC Verifying Signatures To Dissolve Taita Taveta County Government

The Electoral body IEBC has started verification process of signatures collected for the dissolution of Taita Taveta County Government and have already notified the President.

Speaking after meeting officials from the office of the president on Wednesday, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati said the petition will require at least 15,500 signatures to proceed to the next stage.

There are 155,000 voters in Taita Taveta with the law requiring signatures from at least 10 percent of the total voters translating to 15,500 signatures for the petition to gain life to the next stage.

“I don’t have signatures in my database but I have names and id numbers they must come from Taita Taveta,” said Chebukati.

If the IEBC verifies the requisite signatures, the president will within 14 days submit a report on grounds to nullify the county to the apex intergovernmental body. Upon approval from the apex body, the President shall appoint a commission to inquire into the matter and approved by the senate.

The report from the committee shall be relaid to the President who will then forward the report to the speaker of the senate who instigates a motion of suspension of the county government.

Governor Samboja last week survived an impeachment attempt by the county assembly after senators found insufficient grounds in the allegations tabled.