A Kenyan-based social media start up gscroll has once again hit a milestone.
Yesterday, more than two thousand Kenyans signed up on the platform that has stood up a free speech giant.
According to their twitter page, gscroll developers said Kenyans are quickly embracing the local-based social media after silicon Valley apps frequent suspensions and permanent bans.
For starters, here is what we had published about the now most active and fastest growing social media site in Kenya.
Silicon Valley apps have proved what they can do, they can mute the world’s powerful man, isn’t it?
Jack Dorsey has permanently banned POTUS, Donald Trump, while he’s still in the worlds most powerful office.
In China, Social media platforms are being banned by the President and in USA, social media platforms are banning Presidents!

Everyone needs an alternative social media platforms to shield the little online significance they have accumulated for years.
As senior blogger and most deplatformed Kenyan Cyprian Nyakundi says, Big Tech view Human beings as data Statistics. They can never value you.
Global Scroll are as famously known as GScroll has rolled out new updates.
The Kenyan Based platform that is now the most active and fastest-growing site in East and Central Africa according to Alexa rankings.
Users can now publish video, photos and are said to be working on gifs.
In November last year, the Kenyanbased social media platforms rolled out new updates that allowed users to scribe with emoji both on Desktop and laptops.
In October Last year, updates saw users on android and iOS devices able to comment and scribe with emoji’s and GIFs
The users are praising GScroll on GitHub and other app review platforms. The site is indeed the Home of free speech.
A local blog,
had published this oped about the Kenyanbased platform now recieving hundreds of users everyday.

GScroll has first appeared on my online search in late September.
As a former IT enthusiast, I was looking for the next frontier to conquer and then boom, I saw this, but what made it catchier is the fact that top blogger Cyprian Nyakundi recommended it on his Telegram Channel (t.me/Nyakundi) sometime at the start of October, so I re-dug in.
In September, there was not much unique about it, only that it presented a new way of calling things. When I signed up, instead of posts, I got scrolls.
Instead of share, I got re-scribe.
The Like button is padded up by an upvote and a downvote buttons which one can use to express like or dislike for a post.
The green social media website has a trending topic interface complete with a feature I think most bloggers will love, the blog post interface which is different from the one for common posting.
The difference is that the common posts allow fewer characters of up to 280, whereas the blog interface takes more than that.
According to its official account, Gscroll still is under development with a few glitches here and there, for example, one cannot see all users for a follow.
From a physical count, the users for the social media launched less than a month number slightly over two thousands, mostly Kenyans.
There is no censorship to topics of discussions. Though topics discussed mostly are normal football banter, relationship, individual musings etc.
Well, its motto is free speech, forever!
Users can also create groups, and to avoid spamming this passes through a vigorous process of filtering through questions.
For marketers, Gscroll is a great place to get real Kenyan audience, though one cannot at this point measure the reach of a post, as those tools are still under development.
However, with an Alexa ranking that is above 400 (391 at the time of writing), it means the posts are viewed widely.
One thing I have also noticed, there’s no clutter and all posts pass through my screen.
Oh yes, you can also create polls. You can join it here gscroll.com