Home » Moses Kuria rants his list of demands to back BBI report

Moses Kuria rants his list of demands to back BBI report

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has given 10 demands to drum support for the  Building Bridges Initiative report.

The outspoken lawmaker from the President’s constituency said he would support the BBI report only if it assures Kenyans that the person who will wield the executive power will be directly elected by the People.

In a face book post, Kuria said he will strongly embrace BBI report if it assures that one man one will count. It should also reduce the burden brought by a bloated government and over representation.

On referendum, Kuria demands that it should only held alongside the General Election but before that, any alteration should be done through Parliament and provide that all contestants for elective seats shall sign an agreement to accept election results unconditionally and only resort to judicial processes provided for in the law.

He stressed that he will ‘strongly’ support the BBI report with clear definition of  inclusiveness as the general effort to bring peace, love, unity, cohesion and national values among all Kenyans.

Kuria was categorical that Mt. Kenya region wilk strongly support the BBI report if it is not used as a political tool for 2022 or future elections, to extend term limits through the back door or to create conditions to deter emerging leaders from pursuing their legitimate political aspirations.

Othe conditions the MP gave to support the report include; Its clear and straight forward definition for ethics, values, and ethos and shall not define people as being corrupt only when they belong to certain political outfits and persuasions.

Kuria also wants the BBI report to declare categorically and unequivocally that corruption has no start or expiry date and that corruption is corruption whether it happens today or if it happened during independence.

In his long list he also indicated that the report must recognise that it is coming out when the are angry and hungry.

That way he demands that BBI must ensure that their businesses are re-opened.

Mr. Kuria wants BBI to restore the price of milk paid to farmers to Sh40, while equally ensuring fair reward for sweat by our coffee, tea, pyrethrum, maize, potatoes, fish and other farmers.

He will also support the report if it shall put an end to all auctions and CRB listings. Kuria demands proper assurance on sufficient food, provision of good healthcare and roads.