Home » Meet Pauline Kithuke, a Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Mastermind that has Fleeced Millions from Friends

Meet Pauline Kithuke, a Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Mastermind that has Fleeced Millions from Friends

There is this one very lethal Bitcoin Ponzi scheme mastermind called Pauline Kithuke.

Pauline Kithuke
Image of Pauline Kithuke, the alleged Bitcoin scammer (Photo/ItsMutai-Twitter)

According to blogger Abraham Mutai, Pauline Kithuke has sucked millions from her close friends and allies through her now-bankrupt Bitcoin mining firm.

Even though the blogger didn’t release most of the information-like names of those conned by Pauline Kithuke probably because are mostly his close allies that would not want their names published- he promised to expose the Bitcoin scammer in an article.

This was not the only unfortunate case, Pauline Kithuke has also gulped another Sh2 million from her close friend.

Pauline Kithuke even took Ksh2million from another person who is a friend of my friend. She promised them Bitcoin but later claimed the company went bankrupt disappearing effectively with their money. She currently flaunts big cars, probably the money she took from them. Beware!” Blogger Mutai posted.

So, how comes Pauline has been swindling such huge amount of money from her friends? Why were they just pumping in their money is a scheme they have no clue on?

The saddest part of such cases is that there is no place you can take her nor sue her.  The people she conned will take her nowhere because in the court it will be treated as a civil case.

In the civil cases, if the defendant claims her firm went bankrupt and-like in this case she will tell the court she has no money and will only repay in instalments. That’s how it ends.

We shall publish an update as soon as we recieve more information on her dirty tricks…