President Uhuru Kenyatta is secretly working on a major cabinet reshuffle, which according to impeccable sources will be his last in power unless otherwise. Sources familiar with the presidential schemes claim the head of state will ask principal secretaries and cabinet secretaries eyeing political seats 2022 to
resign. Not spared are chief administrative secretaries. March 2022 is the last month for one to be in government if they are to run in 2022. Apart from sacrificing certain CSs who are said to be
eyeing political seats there is intense pressure on Uhuru to move powerful Interior and Coordination of National Government CS Fred Matiang’i. To avoid humiliation as a section in Jubilee and ODM are planning
Matiang’i impeachment motion, the president has to act on the reshuffle. Last week, plans were underway by William Ruto allies led by Belgut MP Nelson Koech to remove Matiang’i through impeachment. Koech claimed
the Ruto faction had already reached out to key figures in Raila Odinga’s ODM seeking their support. The pressure is not only from politicians but also a section of Uhuru’s inner circle who are afraid Matiang’i has become too powerful overshadowing the president. Matiang’i is the head of the docket involving security, intelligence among others. In January 2019, Uhuru handed Matiang’i sweeping powers on the oversight of government programmes, signaling his confidence in the Interior CS in his final term in office to shape his legacy.

Fred Matiang’i
Matiang’i chairs a key committee on the implementation of development programmes, whose membership includes all cabinet secretaries, the Attorney General and Head of Public Service, a mandate that insiders said essentially elevated him to a “prime minister or chief minister”. Behind-the-scenes, Weekly Citizen has information, politicians are linking Matiang’i hand in the infamous deep state that revolves around the Office of the President and State House calling shots across the management sphere. Fear is, the operatives want to sneak Matiang’i to power. The deep state operatives apart from Matiang’i are Interior principal secretary Karanja Kibicho and now powerful Winnie Guchu who first assumed office in February 2020 as the chief administrative secretary formerly at the State Law Office and Department of Justice and currently at the Interior ministry. She was instrumental in the midwifing the recruitment of Judicial Service Commissioners while at her former station that recently culminated in the country having first women Chief Justice, Martha Koome. Guchu was to be transferred to the OP in the same capacity to help Kibicho in handling various political issues surrounding Uhuru succession. Kibicho was at the time being blamed by Ruto and Raila allies for micromanaging Uhuru a succession in favour of One Kenya Alliance. Guchu is the person calling the shots at the OP and handling Uhuru succession overshadowing the softspoken, media-shy fabled powerbroker Nancy Gitau. Gitau had over the years shocked many with her stellar rise and rise from director of political affairs in president Mwai Kibaki’s regime to Uhuru presidential election strategist and presidential political adviser.Weekly Citizen has information Gitau may have relocated to America giving way to Guchu.

Keriako Tobiko
Last week, politicians allied to Uhuru after Jubilee defeat in Juja, Bonchari and Rurii by-elections blamed powerful civil servants for the defeat. Prior to Guchu appointment as CAS, she served at the ministry of Water and Sanitation from 2018. She boasts experience in the judicial and electoral sphere having served as a commissioner at the Judicial Service Commission and the Interim Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. She also served as executive director of Mount Kenya Foundation. The foundation members are Kikuyu tycoons. In the corridors of power, she represents the political interests of the tycoons in Uhuru succession. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Kenyatta University. At the State Law Office and Department of Justice, Guchu worked with Attorney General Paul Kihara and Solicitor General Kennedy Ogeto. The duo have the president’s ear. This is a team of law experts that is officially the government legal adviser. In the recent past, the legal team has been bashed for not giving sound advice to the president on the Building Bridges Initiative, which the High Court dismissed as illegal, null and void, among other monumental cases the government has lost terribly. By last week, Weekly Citizen had information the deep state is secretly meeting every Sunday at a secret city joint to chart the Uhuru succession something that has ruffled political features in certain quarters.

Joseph Ole Lenku
In the game-plan, according to an ODM politician close to Raila, Matiang’i is being fronted for presidency and Health CS Mutahi Kagwe as his deputy. Others linked to the secret talks are governors Hassan Joho of Mombasa, Salim Mvurya, Kwale, Wycliffe Oparanya, Kakamega and Agriculture CS Peter Munya. Apart from a section of president’s aides, there are regional kingpins who are not comfortable with the powerful Matiang’i factor. They include Ruto, Raila and a faction of members of the One Kenya Alliance that rotates around Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula, Kalonzo Musyoka and Gideon Moi. It seems the Matiang’i camp has slowly been sidelining Gideon and Raila in Uhuru succession. It is being said a section in the Kenyatta family are fronting for Gideon presidency with others for Raila or Mudavadi. The anti-Matiang’i forces are now forcing his removal from the powerful docket to cripple the secret Sunday talks. In sidelining Gideon and Raila, those pushing for Matiang’i presidency have been arguing, Raila and Gideon cannot defeat Ruto in the next presidential race going by secret state security reports. To them, Raila and Gideon cannot make inroads in the Kikuyu vote bloc which will favour Ruto in case either is picked. To isolate Mudavadi,those pushing for Matiang’i aver, if picked, Mudavadi will not have the backing of Raila and Kalonzo. Without the regional kingpins’ support, Mudavadi will find it difficult to take Ruto. Further, it is said, Mudavadi has no financial muscle to run a presidential campaign bid but will fully depend on the state funding just like Kalonzo. Mudavadi’s drinking habit is also frequently brought on the table of the strategists handling Uhuru succession always portraying him in bad faith.

Katoo Ole Metito
They argue, unlike Kibaki who was known to enjoy drinks with monied Kikuyu tycoons who would bankroll his Democratic Party and his presidency, Mudavadi’s undoing is that he is always seen in company of youthful political hangers-on not of his age, drinking to wee hours of the morning, some even who invite slay queens to share a table with the son of the late king of Mululu, Substone Mudamba Mudavadi.To complicate matters for Mudavadi and Kalonzo none can be compromise presidential candidate but instead if any picked it will divide forces opposed to Ruto presidency in favour of Ruto. The same is with Raila who, it is said, will not enjoy Wetangula, Kalonzo and Mudavadi backing due to internal feuds in Nasa. With Raila, Mudavadi and Kalonzo out of the equation due to various factors, Matiang’i is the choice. The grooming of Matiang’i started well back when Uhuru elevated him to super minister. The idea was to consolidate the CS’s powers in Jubilee by having other CSs report to him burying Ruto. After Jubilee consolidation, Uhuru was to bring on board a section in Nasa separately to join the government after sidelining Ruto who was seen as a stumbling block in engaging opposition party leaders. Aware the party leaders will not agree on who to back in the government of national unity due to tribal vote blocs, Matiang’i was to be the compromise candidate even if Raila decided to bolt out. Matiang’i is from the Gusii community. Gusii vote bloc cannot be compared to Luhyas of Musalia, Luos of Raila, Gideon who has roots among Kalenjins but faces a Ruto headache and of course Kambas of Kalonzo. In crafting Matiang’i presidential bid, he was given the coordination powers to crisscross the country the same style Ruto did during Uhuru’s first term in power all in the name of initiating national development projects marketing himself.

Julius Sunkuli
Uhuru was to stun many when at one time stated that his favoured successor will surprise many. And during the burial of Mudavadi mother, Uhuru further said Kikuyu and Kalenjin should not produce next president. Informed sources say, just like his father the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta favoured a minority tribe, Tugen, to succeed him against the wishes of powerful Kikuyus surrounding him, Uhuru is pushing for the same. In his arithmetic, Uhuru idea is to have a minority leading tribe but with an influential vote bloc be backed for presidency, then bring other smaller tribes to back him on grounds, presidency was not a constituency of Kenya major tribes. Get at least two major tribes of Luhyas and Kambas back the minority as a compromise face after leading personalities from the regions cry foul and then have Matiang’i a compromise to take on Ruto and Raila with the funding of Kikuyu tycoons. The initial plan was, Raila was not going for presidency and in no way was he to back Mudavadi, Kalonzo or Ruto 2022. To the schemers, Matiangi was to enjoy Raila blessings. This is the gameplan to propel Matiang’i to power that has to be fought to block it hence the emerging impeachment process. Our source revealed, the picking of Gusii stadium to launch the BBI that now hangs in balance was part of the said strategy to sell the CS among his community. For now, going by the unfolding political events on the country’s political terrain, Matiang’i future hangs in balance and he must be regretting why Jubilee fielded a candidate in Bonchari by-election and even why the former MP Oroo Oyioka died. The by-election is becoming his waterloo together with those backing him. Matiang’i even annoyed Raila further when he started pushing for the withdrawal ODM candidate in the by-election on grounds, intelligence reports indicated Jubilee candidate was popular.

The late George Saitoti
Raila who had accommodated Matiang’i in the handshake deal has no time for him and will not rescue him in case of impeachment process as part of his strategy to tame him in Gusii politics. By last week, the embattled Matiang’i was trying to reach Raila at the same time use Gusii council of elders to mend fences with community leaders he has fallen out with. This is happening as speaker Justin Muturi factor is gaining ground in Mount Kenya region being sold not as a Kikuyu but a Mbeere but who can also carry the mount Kenya East vote bloc. Muturi and Matiang’i hold powerful positions in government. If Matiang’i factor collapses, the man to watch is Muturi. It is said a section of Kikuyu tycoons want the region to have a presidential candidate and are pushing for Muturi after Peter Kenneth, William Kabogo,governors Mwangi Wa Iria and Anne Waiguru failed to agree. Mount Kenya East governors Kiraitu Murungi (Meru), Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nthi) and Embu Martin Wambora have thrown weight behind Muturi as Matiang’i is being fought. To them, the fall of Matiang’i will be a blessing to Muturi as Uhuru plan B with Gideon and CS out of 2022 radar. To remove Matiang’i, they are using his dismal performance in Bonchari where the Jubilee candidate Zebedeo Opore lost to Pavel Oimeke of ODM despite holding such a powerful position. During the chaotic byelection, Raila led other leaders in calling for an end of police brutality after the ODM party candidate emerged victorious in the Bonchari by-election in Kisii. Remember,the police docket falls under Matiang’i. Although the CS did not personally campaign in Bonchari, his hand was highly visible with reports that chiefs and police officers in the area were actively campaigning for Jubilee’s Opore.

The late Joseph Nkaissery
Another argument is being pushed to remove Matiang’i from the docket is that the holder of such a powerful position is not supposed to overstay at the station as he gets to know more than enough of state secrets. A good example being given is that of the late powerful minister in the Kibaki regime John Michuki. Michuki was named Internal Security minister, a position he performed well. What happened was that Kibaki transferred him from the powerful docket to that of Environment. Who is likely to replace Matiang’i then? The Interior docket has been held mainly by the Maa community during the Jubilee regime and Kibaki era. To replace Michuki was George Saitoti then Joseph ole Lenku followed by Joseph Nkaissery in a quick succession. Matiang’i was to replace Nkaissery whom Uhuru had plucked from ODM. Just as Matiang’i who has openly come to fight DP Ruto, the next holder of the office, if it happens, will not be a person who is friendly to Ruto. According to reliable sources, Environment and Forestry CS Keriako Tobiko is being mentioned to swap places with Matiang’i. As the Environment CS, he at one disparaged DP Ruto in a hard hitting reply to Elgeyo Marakwet senator Murkomen’s remark. CS Tobiko, in a moment of anger, lashed out at Murkomen for calling him a mere clerk in the Jubilee administration. Other Maasais who have served in the ministry are Katoo ole Metito. In the Moi era Julius Sunkuli served as cabinet secretary Interior security. Another face that being considered if Matiang’i is moved is his Education counterpart George Magoha. Being a Luo is working against him though as the docket is a sensitive area. Just as Michuki was moved from the Internal Security ministry to Environment, Matiang’i will also replace Tobiko in the Environment ministry.
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