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Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony Exposed

Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony Exposed

The United States Ambassador to Kenya Kyle Mccarter on Sunday exposed Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony for relaunching a Covid-19 testing centre which the had already launched on January 30th.

The governor on Sunday posted on his Twitter account that he was proud to unveil the KEMRI/Walter Reed laboratory that would be able to conduct up to 2000 COVID-19 tests a day without crediting the U.S who were the sponsors.

It only took a curious Kenyan who questioned the funding of the equipment for the truth to come out, McCarter responded to the tweet questioning the project’s funding, revealing that the equipment was U.S funded and had already been unveiled in January.

Kenyans were quick to call out the governor:

“Simple he wanted to put it in his budget and swindle it, Kenyans can steal from sick and dying.” a facebook user Philip Kinuthia Kiambuthi wrote.