Home » Ahmednasir Abdullahi Says The Senate Is Idle

Ahmednasir Abdullahi Says The Senate Is Idle

The graft charges that senior snitch Nairobi governor Mike Sonko is facing has exposed the Senate’s double agency in the Jubilee’s anti-corruption war.

Yesterday, KMPDU Secretary General Ouma Oluga tweeted about, how Senators-cum-lawyers are acting both for and against the law.

Today, supreme goat as self-declared activist Boniface Mwangi calls him, SC Ahmednassir has said that the  Senate and Senators are iddle unlike their counterparts in the National Parliament.

On their defense, Mutula Kilonzo Junior of Makueni said this.

And his Nairobi Counterpart Senator Sakaja Johnson urged the DPP to be fair to Sonko.