We have a video of a first year or fresher, at Lukenya University being whipped after he, together with other two students were tapped cussing the...
Author - Dokta Wanz
A Kenyan on Twitter has tweeted a photo of the current shocking State of the Tusker Project Fame(TPF) start David Major. In what is both an expose...
A commentary and fan account of blogger Cyprian Nyakundi has posted aftermath photos of a Toyota Lexus belonging to Daniel Ndambuki alias Churchill...
Legendary Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi has revealed that former family bank boss Peter Munyiri reported him to the DCI. Blogger Nyakundi, who recently...
Kenyan barrister and solicitor General Miguna Miguna has listed enemies of Kenya that must be defeated. The Canada exiled no nonsense lawyer-cum...
It is now official that Kenya’s no-nonsense blogger Cyprian Nyakundi will be using gscroll.com to air his views. For instance, yesterday...
Rwandan genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga has, through his lawyer taken a plea at the Hague based UN Court. The Rwandese pleaded not guilty at his...
We have a graphic image of the remains of missing Jua Kali Association vocal member. Mr. Oludhe, Jua Kali association member who was reported missing...
Yesterday, the directorate of criminal investigations (DCI) nabbed a Kiambu woman running cereal import fraud. Linda Nyamburi Odhiambo, the director...
The Directorate of Criminal investigations (DCI) has arrested a man for cheating about robbery with violence. It was reported that DCI detectives...