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Sick Chicken kills One

Seven children have been hospitalised and one girl left dead after feasting a sick chicken.

The now deceased 7-year-old girl is from Igumo village in Marimanti ward in Tharaka Nithi County.

Seven other children and one adult have been admitted to hospital after consuming meat from a sick chicken.

Charity Kaindi alleges that her child was called by his grandfather on Monday evening and taken to his house, where he was fed the alleged chicken meat before being returned home.

Soon after, Ms Kaindi’s attention was drawn to a commotion from a nearby relative’s home, where upon inquiring, she learned that another child in the family had taken the same meal from their grandfather and developed stomach complications.

At this point, her other children began complaining of the same stomach problems, and she was forced to call her husband, who works at Marimanti market, so that the affected children could be rushed to Marimanti Level 4 hospital.

After the situation deteriorated, it was discovered that a total of eight children had consumed the same meal from their grandfather, identified as Karong’o Makembo.

Sick Chicken kills One
Marimanti level 4 Hospital (courtesy|RMS)

Fridah Nyambura, one of his grandchildren admitted to Marimanti level 4 hospital, stated that her grandfather brought her some chicken meat in a calabash at her place of work in the neighborhood, but she was unable to finish the meal due to an unpleasant odor coming from it.
She stated that after settling for a moment, she experienced stomach discomforts, dizziness, and straining eyesight, as well as foam oozing from her mouth.

Unfortunately, one of the children, identified as Linet, was in critical condition and died at Chuka referral hospital, where she had been referred while waiting to be admitted to the ICU.

One of Karongo’s sons confirmed that the chicken was sick prior to the meal preparation, but said such an occurrence had never happened before despite having fed on sick birds before.

Dr. Mwangangi, a medical officer at Marimanti level 4 hospital, confirmed the incident, which he attributed to food poisoning.

He said that the vomit from the victims had a chemical odor. Those admitted to hospital are in stable condition.